
Artist Blog Post

I’m not doing concrete for a living.

I’m not doing concrete for a living.

I’m not doing concrete for a living.

That was my creed my entire childhood and early adolescent life. It is hard work, often not appreciated, and at times, underpaid. There was a pinnacle moment in my construction career that changed my outlook.

I was working for my father at this time. At this point in my life, racing motocross was all I had in mind. I wasn’t taking what I was doing very seriously and was mediocre at best. At 15 years old, the order of my priorities was not at the forefront of my thought process.

On the way to a job my older brother, Josh had a talk with me. “Right now, this is what you are doing. You are spending a lot of your time in this position. If you have to do it, BE GOOD AT IT “. Those simple words struck a chord with me. I was spending a huge portion of my time doing this job. Why not take advantage of this situation and learn more skills for my proverbial toolbox. It brought to reason, just because this isn’t what I wanted to do with my life (at the time) doesn’t mean I can’t gain and better my position from it.

Be the best you can be, you never know who is watching and where opportunity can knock. If you aren’t giving your 100% to the task at hand, you may find yourself getting overlooked.

So in closing, give your all with every task. You never know who you will influence and what impression you will make for the next step in your life. Just my unsolicited .02

I have come to love this industry and have built a happy life for it, I look forward to many years to come!

Thank you to my brother for telling me what I needed to hear!

-Blake Henning

A lesson in Teamwork.

A lesson in Teamwork.