
Artist Blog Post

Welcome to our new interactive blog based website for Foxcrete Construction!

Welcome to our new interactive blog based website for Foxcrete Construction!

          Hello everyone! We are very excited to launch our new blog based website! With this new website, our customers and prospective clients will be able to use this as a inspirational resource for their project, as well as showcase to our prospective clients our services and design taste. On our blog, expect to see various DIY project tutorials, concrete  trouble shooting, advice, current events, in depth project reports as well as actual cost for many of our projects and also, whatever the heck we feel like talking about! 

Blake Henning

Owner / Editor

I will be keeping this post short and sweet as I have much work to do on the site! Please pardon our progress as we work to make this blog better and more functional each day!

Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter for updated blog post!

I look forward to the continued dialect and hope to meet some new faces on the way!

Our old website is still operational and functional! However, eventually we will slowly work to make that one obsolete! 

Here are a few links to our social media Platforms in the mean time!

Youtube Channel


Just a thankful Post.

Just a thankful Post.